
Why Yorganop

Choosing Yorganop

This is what it means to foster with Yorganop

As an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO), Yorganop is governed by a Board of Management that is Aboriginal-led. Each person has been elected by members of the local Aboriginal community, meaning that board decision-making is determined by Aboriginal people.

Being an ACCO means that we make sure all Aboriginal children are supported to keep a strong connection with their culture, community, and Country.

“Culture is not a perk for an Aboriginal child, It’s a lifeline” – A. Jackamos

Cultural security is embedded within Yorganop and promoted through yarning, education, and training. This enables staff and foster carers to build their capacity to deliver cultural learnings to Aboriginal children in care, in ways that are culturally appropriate and safe. This allows our children to grow strong in themselves, their culture, and their future.

Why we need carers

Aboriginal children in Western Australia represent more than 57% of the total children in out-of-home care. This statistic is significantly higher than any other state in Australia and almost 18 times the rate of non-Aboriginal children (as of 30 June 2019).

This over-representation means that a large number of Aboriginal children are at risk of losing connections with family and culture, which can deeply impact their self-identity and their social and emotional wellbeing.

When you foster a child with Yorganop, it changes everything for the better – a child’s future, their outlook, and our community. It will transform your life too.

We welcome carers from all walks of life and backgrounds to join our growing community of carers. You will get all the practical support and guidance you need:

  • Supportive carer assessment process
  • Support from your case manager who is part of a therapeutic care team
  • Cultural support
  • Ongoing training (group and one-on-one training)
  • Ongoing professional and peer support
  • Ongoing financial support
  • After hours support
  • Short-break care

Be part of something special with Western Australia’s first Aboriginal foster care agency.

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