Our Work

The purpose of our work

The Yorganop approach to foster care

Yorganop believes in moort (family). In Aboriginal ways, the community is moort and provides a strong cultural foundation. This strong belief in the value of family is what guides our work and the way we do it. We also have a strong commitment to our values of being strong in culture, caring for our kids, working together, following through, and embracing continuous learning. This is how we realise our purpose.

Our purpose is to empower Aboriginal children and families to grow strong in themselves, their culture, and their future.

We are Western Australia’s first ACCO (Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation) foster care organisation. This means that all Yorganop services are specifically designed by Aboriginal people for Aboriginal children and their families. We empower families to advocate for the children in their care, develop skills and positive patterns of behaviour, and promote self-worth and self-determination.

We support families on Noongar country. Our focus is to keep children connected to their family, community, and on Country.

Our vision is: Nurturing our children to flourish.

We work alongside a community development model, and a critical part of this is providing culturally secure therapeutic care within the home so that the whole family can flourish. In our foster care programs, this means day-to-day care of the child or young person – their physical, emotional, psychological, educational, recreational, and health needs – as well as proactively helping them develop life skills. Read more about our Sanctuary model of therapeutic care.

“When we say that we’re working towards seeing all children nurtured so that they can flourish, we know how much of a commitment it is. Their needs are vast, and they change from day to day. But we have the programs in place to support the whole family’s journey.”


Nurturing our children to flourish