Children's Day 2023

August 3, 2023

Celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day 2023

August 4 is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day (“Children’s Day”).

Children's Day 2023
This is a time for Aboriginal and Islander families to celebrate the strengths and culture of their children.
The first Children’s Day was celebrated on 4 August 1988 and is the initiative of SNAICC-National Voice for our Children. A day was needed that was especially for Aboriginal and Islander children, to give them confidence and make them feel special and included. At that time there were a lot of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children taken from their families at a young age, with many not knowing their birth date, therefore the date 4 August was chosen to be celebrated each year as a shared birthday.
This year’s National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day theme ‘Little Voices, Loud Futures’ fires that ambition. The theme raises awareness for the bright futures of our children and the potential for their voices to pave a new path for our nation. As always Yorganop supports the voices of our children in calling for a future where they are proud and empowered by their culture to speak their truth and be listened to by all Australians.

Take some time together to enjoy and watch the 2023 SNAICC National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day video.

Yorganop’s vision is to nurture our children to flourish and this includes supporting and amplifying the voices of our children in calling for a future where they are proud and empowered by their culture to speak their truth and be listened to by all Australians.
Children's Day 2023

“When you value us and you respect us, white Australia does not lose their 230 years of history, you gain 50,000 years of history” – Nova Peris OAM

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Nurturing our children to flourish