
May 22, 2024

7 Upcoming Foster Carer Trainings

Start planning your June training!

Here are the upcoming foster carer trainings from the Department of Communities

If you are interested in attending you can register directly or have a yarn with your Case Manager


Foster Carer Training

Navigating the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

Wednesday – 29th May 2024 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Presenter: Jane Ogilvie

 This webinar will explore the challenges and opportunities of accessing the NDIS. We will explore where you can go for help, the language of the NDIS and how you can use this to your advantage. You will have the opportunity to send questions in prior to the webinar so that this can be targeted to your needs.


In Person Training

e-Safety / Cybersafety

Thursday – 20th June 2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Tuart Hill

Presenter: WA Child Safety Services

(Plenty of space available)

 The presentation will provide an overview of how young people use technology and the risks they may be exposed to. Parents, carers, educators and other participants will be given practical information to support conversations and safety measures for today’s youth. Strategies for the safe use of the internet will be explained and useful links to resources provided.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Emotional Regulation and Getting Better Sleep

Tuesday – 25th June 2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: Hillman

Presenter: ADHD-WA

(10-12 places available)

Join ADHD WA Clinicians as they unpack emotional regulation and sleep issues associated with ADHD.

Emotional Regulation – you will learn valuable tools and strategies on how to effectively manage emotions, enhance problem-solving skills, and improve communication, ultimately reducing distress and mitigating fallout from emotionally charged situations.

Sleep – Clinicians will share how ADHD can impact sleep and equip you with practical tools and solutions to help you and those in your care with ADHD to improve sleep hygiene and get better sleep.

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)

Thursday – 27th June 2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Location: Perth District Office

Presenter: Neil Reynolds

(plenty of space available – limited creche though)

 Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term for the diagnosed conditions resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure eg: Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Learn about FASD, the effects of alcohol on the fetus, behavioural challenges for children and families and prevention and intervention strategies for parents and carers.

Heartbeat Club – First Aid Course

Thursday – 23rd May 2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Location: Joondalup

Presenter Royal Life Saving Western Australia

(8 places available – NO CRECHE)

The aim of the HeartBeat Club is to develop the life-saving skill of resuscitation and first aid in our community. The training session covers first aid for common child injuries including burns and scalds, choking, drowning and provides information on how to perform child resuscitation or CPR.

 Therapeutic Crisis Intervention – Applying the skills

Must have completed a TCI / TCIF course prior to attending

Tuesday – 28th May 2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Location: Perth

Presenter: Isabell & Carolyn

(Plenty of space available)

This half-day workshop will provide an opportunity for carers to discuss how they are implementing the TCI strategies, what successes and challenges they are having, and use the experience of the group to develop solutions. Key components of the course can be reviewed as needed.

 Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Families (TCIF)

Must attend all four sessions to complete this course

Wednesday – 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th June 2024 9:30am to 2:30pm

Location: Meadow Springs, Mandurah

Presenter: Jane Ogilvie / Steven Jones

(up to 9 places available)

This four-day training program presents a crisis prevention and intervention model designed to teach carers how to help children learn constructive ways to handle crisis. This includes preventing, de-escalating and managing crises, learning how to handle stressful situations, and developing a learning circle.

How to register for training:

Online Modules Family & Foster Carer Development Workshops
Enrolment Process:

You will need to obtain a ‘moodle’ account to be able to access these courses. Most courses are then available via self-enrolment.

Your ‘moodle’ account will also allow you access to any webinars, but you will need to contact us to enrol in a webinar.

To obtain a ‘moodle’ account please contact:

Phone – 6277-4600

Email –  fosterworkshops@communities.wa.gov.au

Enrolment Process:

Enrolment to these workshops is via:

Online – complete the online enrolment form,

Mail – complete an enrolment form and post,

Email – fosterworkshops@communities.wa.gov.au

Phone – 6277-4600

You can access the Foster Carer Training calendar and enrolment information from this link – https://moodle.communities.wa.gov.au/course/index.php?categoryid=203

Download your copy Department of Communities 2024 Foster Carer Training Calendar 

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Nurturing our children to flourish